Wyangala Dam Wall Raising, Lachlan Valley

The proposed raising of the Wyangala Dam wall by 10 metres is a significantly complex mega project, addressing new environmental legislative requirements and updated flood modelling.
The proposed raising of the Wyangala Dam wall has often been described as a mega project; one that is significantly complex and requiring unprecedented work. The last dam built in New South Wales (NSW) was over 30 years ago, and a lot has changed – not only environmental legislative requirements and community expectations but also in the areas of technology, river and flood modelling and climatic data.
Water Infrastructure NSW has conducted detailed investigations into a proposed 10-metre Full Supply Level (FSL) raise of Wyangala Dam. These investigations looked at the technical viability and the cost of building the new dam. The work also identified and explored the opportunities associated with supplying water from the new dam and opportunities to achieve a significant reduction in flood damages.